MAHER MA KI RASOI started in 13 oct 2013, MAHER MA KI RASOI providing best and quality Maharashtrian food in nagpur city from the last 7 years.
MAHER MA KI RASOI mainly work for best quality food and taste and customer satisfaction. MAHER MA KI RASOI mission is to provide good quality food to customer at reasonable price. Our special food are : Patodi Rassa, Baigan Bharta, Zunka Bhakar and some of other food dishesh.
Vision: The main objective of MAHER MA KI RASOI is that, we are able to give the customers the taste of home-cooked food like the mother’s hand, which also reflects the taste of Maharashtrian food.
Mission : our mission is to provide our food chain overall maharashtra and other state of maharashtra to spread a test of Maharashtrian food overall india,